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How to Style Kids’ Rooms Plus Cohen’s Room Reveal

Our 1917 Caftsman bungalow has grown with us each time we’ve added a new baby to our family. At a quaint 1400 s.f. it has also included a lot of room shuffling and reorganizing. It’s a three bedroom house – which has been perfect for us – but the third bedroom is very cozy (as in 7×8′ cozy) and has always been a great nursery for each of the kids as babies. Now that the kids are getting older we wanted the girls to share a room and for Cohen to have his own space to play Legos in peace without a bay sister in the way. So, once again, we did a room rearrange by moving Caroline into Lena’s room and Cohen back into the “nursery.”

I wanted his room to be all boy while making the most of the small footprint + give him as much floor space as possible. The great thing about our house is that what the rooms lack in size the closets make up for; each closet upstairs is almost the size of his actual room, so I didn’t need to account for any large furniture aside from his bed.

When designing kids’ rooms I am always mindful of how the room will age: will the space grow with them or will we be repainting and furnishing in a few years? I like to consider:


Wall & Trim Paint
Sherwin-Williams Delft


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