the evolution of home
I remember a time when I thought that I would eventually get to a place where every room in our house would be fully decorated – “finished” – and I would be happy to live with it just that way until I chose to overhaul the room again years down the road. My thinking on how a room comes together has changed quite a bit over the years. It would be easy to initially assume that we all want our houses to be in constant change because our lives are saturated with advertising, the push to chase the next trend, beautiful images of immaculately designed homes – you name it. We are always seeing something new, potentially leaving us dissatisfied with what we already have. There’s no denying that we are influenced by what we consume. But there is a fine line between unnecessary change (do I actually love this new trend? is there a “perfect” piece of furniture out there to replace what I already have? am I feeling angst in other areas of my life and channeling that into changing our home?) and sincere self exploration and creative work.
I find so much joy in allowing my home to flex and evolve – just as I personally change, learn, mature and evolve. Allowing our homes to be a tangible expression of who we are is more beautiful than the perfect room or “finished” space. I’m in a season where I have small kids and any coffee table I style doesn’t stand a chance – so even though I think a styled coffee table can tie a space together, you won’t find that here. But I am finding huge inspiration from more eclectic, high-end spaces lately which has me adding new unexpected elements into each room.
I don’t want to live in the confines of a home that is beautiful yet frozen in time, indicative of who we were years ago. Here’s to growth and change – and bringing our homes along for the ride.


The last few years I’ve dried oranges to add to my holiday decorations and it’s become one of my favorite parts of holiday decorating. I tend to decorate my house over the course of a few weeks rather than all at once – I like to slow down a bit and take my time making a few things and working with live greenery. If you’ve ever wondered how to dry oranges or want to add them to your decorations this year, it’s truly the easiest thing!

Our bedroom is a calm, serene space (where I work most days) and it gets the best morning light. I’ve been itching to paint it for awhile now but hold off because I think I may miss the bright and airy space that it is. But… I still want to paint it, I think. Adding it to my January project list!
links from the week
The most requested product links from Instagram this week, including the $6.98 beaded garland from an unexpected store and our Christmas tree:
Happy Friday!
XO —