After taking a brief (unintentional) break from the blog, I’m returning feeling refreshed and with renewed focus for this year. At the start of a new year, I always like to reevaluate & make changes to how I live and function in all areas of life. I want this weekly post to be a bit more organic & reflective of the things I’m learning and experimenting with. It will flow more closely with what actually happened during the week & what I’ve been working on — more of an honest & candid look at life behind the scenes. I hope this post is something you look forward to reading each week as much as I enjoy writing it! Now, let’s get to it.

If you were on Instagram this week you saw my favorite Facebook Marketplace find — maybe of all time. I scored a Visual Comfort Hackney floor lamp for 100 bucks and I couldn’t pick it up fast enough. Lighting is my love language (and an expensive one at that) so while I wouldn’t have paid for this lamp at retail, finding it for 1/7th of the cost was a total win for the week.
I ended up placing it in our tv den which is slowing becoming a collection of all my favorite things: my favorite artwork by Holly Addi, photos of the kids, the built-in shelving Ty built, the ottoman I upholstered, my favorite BM Storm Cloud Gray paint and the comfiest sofa ever. Favorite room in the house.

Did you notice the new branding I’ve been playing with? This is something I’ve been wanting to work on for well over a year and I am finally finding the time to do it now. My goal for the blog & all the work I do has always been to create a brand rather than something that is attached to my name — something classic, elevated & distinct. There’s more work to do, but I think we’re getting there!
I am going to start sharing a bit more on the personal side of things — I always love getting a peek into the lives of others, so I want to share more about ours here!

Last week Ty & I got away on vacation, just the two of us, for the first time in 8 years. It. Was. Amazing. A lot has happened since that last trip: 3 babies, purchased our home, completely changed careers/jobs, lots of house projects, a few surgeries & medical scares — just to name a few. Halfway through the trip while sitting on the beach, I was kind of overwhelmed with the feeling of what just happened? I was finally able to truly disconnect & be alone with my thoughts and feelings for what felt like the first time in 10 years, and I had mixed emotions about it all. I told Ty right then that when we look back on the next ten years I want it to look very differently. Less survival & more intention, less running & more resting, less of life happening to us & more making our life what we want it to be.
Thanks for being here!
XO —

Love this. I feel the same about reevaluating and January is the best time for that. Love the branding also-very clean and calm.