Collecting artwork that you love is an important part of curating a home that uniquely reflects you. I spent many years filling my walls with big-box artwork that was very pretty, but wasn’t something I truly loved or was drawn to. I’ve found that since shopping for and collecting art, there are a few things that I always want on my walls or on display, and those few pieces haven’t changed over time. I have added to them over the years – custom framed family photos, artist pieces, one-of-a-kind vintage finds – and I can rotate those pieces throughout my house, loving them equally wherever I put them. I think the mark of a true “treasure” is that it doesn’t have to fit a certain look for go with the room it’s in, but you want to enjoy it whichever way you can, in any room you do life in.
Display the art, hang the photos the walls — that’s where they’re meant to be!

This week the stomach flu worked its way through all of us. Let’s just say I could really use a day out of the house! I did take the opportunity to fully disinfect and clean every room really well, and that always feels good. When I shared a photo of the kids on the sofa I had lots of questions about it; I ordered it from Birch Lane a few years ago, and unfortunately it looks like they no longer make this exact one. I did find one thats very similar and the same size / dimensions of the one we have. This sofa is the comfiest and at a prices tag of less than $2k, you can’t beat it!
My clothing orders are starting to roll in and so far they’re all really great! Love when that happens. I am a little on the fence with the Levi’s, but I’m going to trust that breaking in stiff denim eventually pays off. Because right now I just miss my stretchy yoga pants.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but if I’m going to be sitting and working for hours long at my computer, I prefer a very comfy chair. Not your typical ergonomic desk chair, but a soft, cross-your-legs-to-sit-and-work-awhile and seat. I found this one from Zara Home I love — the heavy texture and pretty curves are just right.

I’m currently working on something really fun & exciting, and I can’t wait to share more. Here’s a little sneak peek!
Happy Friday!
XO —

I love the chair girl!